工作中有用到和一维区间相关的内容,要在多个区间中,快速的找到和某个区间有 overlap 的所有区间。
#pragma once
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
/* Suppose there are N=2^(K+1)-1 sorted numbers in an array a[]. They
* implicitly form a complete binary tree of height K+1. We consider leaves to
* be at level 0. The binary tree has the following properties:
* 1. The lowest k-1 bits of nodes at level k are all 1. The k-th bit is 0.
* The first node at level k is indexed by 2^k-1. The root of the tree is
* indexed by 2^K-1.
* 2. For a node x at level k, its left child is x-2^(k-1) and the right child
* is x+2^(k-1).
* 3. For a node x at level k, it is a left child if its (k+1)-th bit is 0. Its
* parent node is x+2^k. Similarly, if the (k+1)-th bit is 1, x is a right
* child and its parent is x-2^k.
* 4. For a node x at level k, there are 2^(k+1)-1 nodes in the subtree
* descending from x, including x. The left-most leaf is x&~(2^k-1) (masking
* the lowest k bits to 0).
* When numbers can't fill a complete binary tree, the parent of a node may not
* be present in the array. The implementation here still mimics a complete
* tree, though getting the special casing right is a little complex. There may
* be alternative solutions.
* As a sorted array can be considered as a binary search tree, we can
* implement an interval tree on top of the idea. We only need to record, for
* each node, the maximum value in the subtree descending from the node.
template<typename S, typename T> // "S" is a scalar type; "T" is the type of data associated with each interval
class IITree {
struct StackCell {
size_t x; // node
int k, w; // k: level; w: 0 if left child hasn't been processed
StackCell() {}
StackCell(int k_, size_t x_, int w_) : x(x_), k(k_), w(w_) {}
struct Interval {
S st, en, max;
T data;
Interval(const S &s, const S &e, const T &d) : st(s), en(e), max(e), data(d) {}
struct IntervalLess {
bool operator()(const Interval &a, const Interval &b) const { return a.st < b.st; }
void add(const S &s, const S &e, const T &d) { _data.push_back(Interval(s, e, d)); }
void index(void) {
std::sort(_data.begin(), _data.end(), IntervalLess());
max_level = index_core(_data);
bool overlap(const S &st, const S &en, std::vector<size_t> &out) const;
size_t size(void) const { return _data.size(); }
const S& start(size_t i) const { return _data[i].st; }
const S& end(size_t i) const { return _data[i].en; }
const T& data(size_t i) const { return _data[i].data; }
int index_core(std::vector<Interval> &data);
std::vector<Interval> _data;
int max_level;
template<typename S, typename T>
inline bool IITree<S, T>::overlap(const S &st, const S &en, std::vector<size_t> &out) const {
int t = 0;
StackCell stack[64];
if (max_level < 0) return false;
stack[t++] = StackCell(max_level, (1LL<<max_level) - 1, 0); // push the root; this is a top down traversal
while (t) { // the following guarantees that numbers in out[] are always sorted
StackCell z = stack[--t];
if (z.k <= 3) { // we are in a small subtree; traverse every node in this subtree
size_t i, i0 = z.x >> z.k << z.k, i1 = i0 + (1LL<<(z.k+1)) - 1;
if (i1 >= _data.size()) i1 = _data.size();
for (i = i0; i < i1 && _data[i].st < en; ++i)
if (st < _data[i].en) // if overlap, append to out[]
} else if (z.w == 0) { // if left child not processed
size_t y = z.x - (1LL<<(z.k-1)); // the left child of z.x; NB: y may be out of range (i.e. y>=_data.size())
stack[t++] = StackCell(z.k, z.x, 1); // re-add node z.x, but mark the left child having been processed
if (y >= _data.size() || _data[y].max > st) // push the left child if y is out of range or may overlap with the query
stack[t++] = StackCell(z.k - 1, y, 0);
} else if (z.x < _data.size() && _data[z.x].st < en) { // need to push the right child
if (st < _data[z.x].en) out.push_back(z.x); // test if z.x overlaps the query; if yes, append to out[]
stack[t++] = StackCell(z.k - 1, z.x + (1LL<<(z.k-1)), 0); // push the right child
return out.size() > 0? true : false;
template<typename S, typename T>
inline int IITree<S, T>::index_core(std::vector<Interval> &data) {
size_t i, last_i; // last_i points to the rightmost node in the tree
S last; // last is the max value at node last_i
int k;
if (data.size() == 0) return -1;
for (i = 0; i < data.size(); i += 2) last_i = i, last = data[i].max = data[i].en; // leaves (i.e. at level 0)
for (k = 1; 1LL<<k <= data.size(); ++k) { // process internal nodes in the bottom-up order
size_t x = 1LL<<(k-1), i0 = (x<<1) - 1, step = x<<2; // i0 is the first node
for (i = i0; i < data.size(); i += step) { // traverse all nodes at level k
S el = data[i - x].max; // max value of the left child
S er = i + x < data.size()? data[i + x].max : last; // of the right child
S e = data[i].en;
e = e > el? e : el;
e = e > er? e : er;
data[i].max = e; // set the max value for node i
last_i = last_i>>k&1? last_i - x : last_i + x; // last_i now points to the parent of the original last_i
if (last_i < data.size() && data[last_i].max > last) // update last accordingly
last = data[last_i].max;
return k - 1;